Want to build a killer and customized homepage for your website, read for some time here and you will be equipped to make your homepage awesome. The idea of a great website does not have to be overly complex and complicated.

So, if you are looking for an awesome homepage layout for your business then you don’t have to go anywhere else as you have already landed in the right place. Whether you are a web designer or not, you will surely get inspiration to develop an outstanding homepage. 

What is a Landing Page?

Landing page or home page is the main page of the website where you focus on attracting the user’s attention and convert leads into business. Your homepage welcome your website visitors and let them know your business better to deliver credibility.   

You should design an appealing homepage for a good impression of your business over the visitors who can be your potential customers. Your homepage sets the right professional tone for your business which is the reason why should put extra efforts to design the home page effectively. 

Type of Content You Must Have on Your Home Page

Home Page is the place which flashes all your primary content which is also important as the action of the visitors depend a lot on it. This primary content prolongs the visitors stay on your website so your content needs to be clear, concise and specific. 

Following are the things that you should have on your homepage:

1.       Headline

Whether it is a printed newspaper or a web version, headlines always captivate user attention. The headline should be able to give the answer to the most important question: “What does your company do?” 

The headline must convey what kind of solutions your company offers and it should be precise and compelling. It should impress the visitors and seek their attention. Since a headline is significant for your business, so choose words wisely and keep it simple, brief and effective.

2.       Sub-Headline

In sub-headline, you should take the opportunity to describe your products or services that complement the headline. You have the liberty to explain your product here more effectively which you couldn’t do it in the headline. Write a beautiful sub-headline which will solve all the queries of the visitor and generate leads.

3.       Call-To-Action

Call-To-Action (CTA) tells the visitors what to do next and guides them. In the most ecommerce websites, you’ll find CTA’s like Buy Now!, Hurry Up! Save 50% etc. When the user/customer lands on your website, he does not have any idea what to do next and these CTA guide them and drive actions.

Your CTA’s should resonate with the headline and sub-headline of the website. Don’t hesitate to actively engage with your customer or users online, the more you help them your business will make good profits.

4.       Using Images, Video, and Animation

Someone has rightly said that a picture is enough to explain 1000 words. Images, graphics and motion works grab visitors’ attention at the very first place. Your landing page should not be packed with thousand words content. Place images and video that can connect with the audience while sharing the business solutions. But those videos should be relevant to your website but keep the website clean and attractive. 

5.       Logo

A logo is important for your business in terms of branding. So, that makes logo positioning important on the homepage. The logo tells a lot about your business and the company. It indirectly conveys whether you are aggressive, creative or polite.

So, when you are designing your logo, take time and develop something that every eye notices it.

6.       Navigation Bar

Navigation is the gateway to the entire website which guides the visitor to the other information on the website which is the reason they come to your website.

  • Do not confuse your visitors with unnecessary pages that don’t have anything with your business. 
  • Some of your visitors may not be interested in pages related to copyright, privacy, and term of services. Place these links in the footer.
  • Place the navigation bar so that the visitor can easily find it.
  • Be brief and descriptive with the page titles.

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